Tag Archives: Foreign Exchange Trading Platform

The Forex financial market is the biggest, globally, with over 10 million Forex traders. We’ve created a foreign exchange trading platform (isCT) for exactly this reason. Our platform helps achieve compliance, and features all the functionality of a CRM. Our bespoke foreign exchange trading platform offers an end-to-end solution for money service businesses of all kinds. Its compliance and risk features include green-light control systems and up-to-date sanctions lists. From a trading perspective, isCT enables price aggregation and sell back capabilities. If you’d like to find out more, then get in touch! Contact Impress Solutions today to learn more about the software.

The Importance Of Safeguarding To Money Service Businesses (MSBs)

A bank vault to signify safeguarding in our foreign exchange trading platform.

Safeguarding is amongst the most important regulations for UK financial businesses and Forex brokers. These regulations have been set out by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to help payment firms with their prudential risk management. Thanks to the FCA, customers are safeguarded against immoral, less scrupulous Forex brokers, who at times display bad practices. The […]

Why Is Know Your Customer (KYC) So Important to Financial Institutions?

A new client being welcomed having had Know Your Customer Checks approved

Know Your Customer (KYC) is a term used to describe the policies or frameworks incorporated by FIs (Financial Institutions) to verify the legitimacy and trustworthiness of potential clients. This is done to better protect against fraud and money laundering operations. The practice of money laundering is not a recent invention. Indeed, the precedent for money […]