Tag Archives: KYC AML

Financial institutions play a dominant role in financial crimes. This is why we offer a Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering service. KYC is a part of AML, and ensuring your KYC data is up-to-date is crucial in a business’ upkeep. The world of technology is constantly evolving; because of this, our AML system has been developed to replace outdated legacy systems, which place you at risk of incompliance. Here at Impress Solutions, we offer a system that fights against financial crimes and protects your business from any monetary harm. Whether you’re looking to upgrade a current KYC and AML system or looking to install, we here can help. Get in touch today!

Why Is Know Your Customer (KYC) So Important to Financial Institutions?

A new client being welcomed having had Know Your Customer Checks approved

Know Your Customer (KYC) is a term used to describe the policies or frameworks incorporated by FIs (Financial Institutions) to verify the legitimacy and trustworthiness of potential clients. This is done to better protect against fraud and money laundering operations. The practice of money laundering is not a recent invention. Indeed, the precedent for money […]