The Need For Corporate Data Storage Solutions

Corporate Data Storage Solutions

In today’s highly digitised world, there’s one currency more than any other that reigns supreme. It isn’t the US Dollar, the Euro or the British Pound – it’s data. Information is worth its weight in gold in today’s market. This means that businesses the world over are looking to store more and more data. This increased demand has brought with it the need for infrastructural networks to manage and store the information. Increasingly, businesses are turning to the cloud and to specialist corporate data storage companies to meet these modern-day needs. The team here at Impress Solutions, one of the leading data storage companies in the South East, has put together this blog to explain why choosing the right storage method is so important.

Digging into the Data

Just how big is the world of data? Well, the answer is pretty enormous. According to some leading industry reports, revenue from big data (that is, large data sets which prove difficult to process in traditional database settings) software and services is set to grow to a value of $103 billion by 2027. Whilst smaller businesses may deal with correspondingly smaller data sets, the point remains the same, it pays to invest in data moving forward.

Up in the Cloud

The quantity of data that businesses are now holding onto means that hardware storage solutions, whilst still doable, are far less practical than their cloud-based counterparts. Cloud storage solutions provide multiple key benefits that hardware just can’t compete with. Some of these include:

  • Being independent of the workplace and of any hardware.
  • Offering reduced expenditure.
  • Improved compliance safeguards.
  • Enhanced reliability.

With an ever-greater number of companies looking to integrate cloud systems into their workplace, the time will soon come when the cloud way will be deemed as the only way. We’ve deduced that it’s better to be ahead of the curve with well-established systems than to be falling behind, being left to chase your competitors further down the line.

Truly Secure Solutions

In the same way that you’d want to protect financial assets in a more conventional sense, like using a bank for your money, for example. The security of your data assets takes on a similar degree of importance to a business.

The litigation a business faces should data security regulations be breached is often enough to sink a smaller company. Bearing this in mind, it really is that important to have genuine data storage solutions in place for your data. Our hosted servers encrypt information to incredibly high standards. This ensures there’s no risk of your data going astray. In other words, it’s safe as houses.

Access When You Need It

The accessibility of cloud-based storage solutions is another incredibly attractive feature. Gone are the days where you need to be on-premise to peruse the data you needed. Nowadays, provided that you have a secure internet connection, information is accessible in an instant.

Cloud storage enables businesses to achieve a higher level of productivity and connectivity, two valuable traits that are crucial should a company want to scale up in the future. Simply put, without suitable corporate data storage solutions, you’re going to struggle to push past typical business plateaus.

Versatility Is Essential

The pitfall with many smaller businesses and SMEs is that they simply don’t have the infrastructural frameworks in place to fully accommodate cloud-based storage systems. Whereas this may have previously provided an issue, this isn’t the case with Impress’ cloud servers. They offer hybrid functionality which is the perfect IT solution for those businesses looking to move towards cloud-based computing and storage, but whose infrastructural capabilities aren’t up to it.

Smaller businesses and SMEs often have to tackle large-scale changes to their company’s situations with some hesitancy. It’s no surprise, then, that a system that offers flexibility is one that comes as a welcome change.

Similarly versatile is the pricing system for cloud-based storage; with cloud services, you only pay for what you need. This mitigates the age-old issue of not knowing how much or little storage to purchase. You’re never going to suddenly run out having not bought enough, nor are you going to over-purchase and have a surplus of storage that isn’t being used.

With so much to be gained from utilising purpose-run storage companies, If you’d like to find out more about our corporate data storage solutions, then get in touch! Contact Impress Solutions today on 01708 759 760.


This entry was posted in Data Storage Solutions and tagged Corporate Data Storage Solutions, Data Storage Companies, Data Storage Solutions, IT Solutions.